My name is Kerry O’Neill and I am seeking a seat on the Barrington Town Council.

I am stepping up to serve Barrington, Rhode Island, the town my family and I are thankful to call home.

I look forward to engaging with you and collectively seeking solutions that benefit us all.

I will champion and advocate for:


I support the town’s Ready & Resilient Plan and will press for practical responses to climate change and sea level rise.


Municipal decisions need not compromise the well‑being of future generations. Through my support of stable and affordable housing, town parks, quality schools, and responsible environmental policy, I strive for a healthy and equitable community for all.


I hope to incentivize and empower residents to do more to protect our shared natural resources. Town projects and private efforts can help improve the biodiversity of our flora and fauna.


I support the Barrington Complete Streets Plan and will push to improve and expand our network of streets, bike paths, and sidewalks.


I will work with Barrington’s boards and commissions, the town’s School Committee, local businesses, non-profit organizations, and community groups to identify common goals and share resources to create policies and initiatives to enhance our community.

I’m one of three endorsed Democrats

I am proud to share that I am one of three candidates endorsed by the Barrington Democratic Town Committee running for the Barrington Town Council.

I’m honored to be running with Liana Cassar and Jordan Jancosek. We are committed to working together and advocating for the priorities of the Barrington Democratic Town Committee’s platform of good governance, economic and environmental stewardship, and support for social justice.